About Me

I am a Web Developer based in Tampa, Florida

I created my first web site in 2021 and fell in love with the process. I enjoy creating lasting unique experiences and continuing to gain knowledge and experience as a Web Developer.

image of Jeremy

My Story

In 2021, I began my journey as a web developer. I was getting into cryptocurrency and was fascinated with the technology. I started to look into how to become a blockchain developer. I quickly dove into learning HTML and CSS. I fell in love with the process of creating something from scratch. I began to teach myself technologies on the front end since I also had a leather working business and wanted to create a simple website for my business. My facination with cryptocurrency subsided, my love for web development amplified over the years. Web development has always been something I enjoyed since I started. I continued to grow my skills in front-end development and started learning back-end development. I have a passion for learning and enjoy creating beautiful websites and web applications for users. I look forward to what the future holds for me as a web developer and increasing my knowledge to provide a better experience for the end user.

Looking back, my Davinch Leather website was not anything exceptional, but it ignited a spark within me to create and learn more. Since then, I have been constantly growing and improving my skills as a web developer. Currently, I work as a Paramedic/Firefighter in Tampa, FL, but I am excited to pursue a career in web development.

When I am not coding
  • Spending Time With My Wife
  • Longboarding
  • Leather Working
  • Knife Making
  • Gaming on my NES and Gameboy
  • Gameboy Restoration
  • Working Out
  • Paddle Boarding
  • Backpacking Trips
  • Fly Fishing

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